Leelanau School Donation Page





When the class of 2018 debated how to leave a legacy for future generations – their primary consideration was “long term payoff.” To them, this meant a gift that keeps on giving…

 The seniors found out that 20 extra solar panels had been purchased a few years before hand. The reason these panels were never installed was because of the lack of funding for installation but now we now have an employee on staff with the skills to create the panels, and we just need the materials and time to get the job done.
The Class of 2018 are problem solving students with good math skills, so they realized that if all the panels were up and running their gift could translate into close to $1,000 annual in energy savings on campus!  The Class of 2018 has a goal to raise the $500 per panel in materials and labor up to $10,000 total. If the class receives more than their goal amount, they will confer about funding other green initiatives like water bottle filling fountains.
The fact that they chose this project isn’t a complete surprise, as an important part of Leelanau’s sustainability effort is to encourage students to develop a sense of responsibility for themselves, for others, and for the world in which they live. We strive to support and advance sustainable practices and thinking throughout the school… and over the years, it has developed in several different areas:
  • Energy Efficiency – solar panels, electric car charging station, LED light bulbs
  • Waste Reduction – recycling, composting, reducing food waste
  • Food Sourcing – local nutritious organic food, fair trade, greenhouse garden
  • Campus Grounds – 42-acre wooded campus, Crystal River, Lake Michigan
  • Environmental Curriculum – environmental studies, biology, outdoors education, endangered species habitat protection and reconstruction, raising free-range chickens, invasive species removal


The Leelanau School depends on contributions from their alumni, parents and friends in order for operations, scholarships and campus improvements. We welcome gifts of all sizes and types including:

Cash, checks and credit card gifts, IRA gifts, Insurance, Wills and Bequests.   Memorial gifts are a great way to honor someone and show your respect to the family of the deceased.  If you make a memorial gift, please include the deceased person’s name on the form you fill out when making your gift, either online or through the mail. You do not have to have a Paypal account to give online. You can choose the option to “give with a card.” It will start with gift amount to fill in, and right below the amount is a box with space to specify the fund or purpose for your gift.

If you plan to give stock, please contact us for specific instructions for proper gift credit.

Please consider what Leelanau School means to you and your family when considering making a contribution.

All gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law and will help us further our mission. Our EIN is 38-6061392 and we are also known as “Leelanau Center for Education.” We are registered with Guide Star and our cost to raise a dollar is below five cents!

I look forward to having a conversation with you about your gift!


Julie Povolo, Director of Advancement. 231-334-5827     jpovolo@leelanau.org