During Winter Term 2018, students in the class entitled “Leelanau Revealed”  explored the history and people of the Leelanau peninsula. Students practiced being real life historians while going off campus, taking advantage of our local resources, and using Journalism skills like interviewing and researching. They were able to visit historic sites, speak with local historians, peruse Maritime museums, and scour archives. Their final project was to create a book containing all that they learned during the course.

From narrative to poetry to locals interviewed by our student writers, this book we call Leelanau Revealed is a true collection of the collaborative minds our school embodies.


To order a copy, please send an email to:
jparker@leelanau.org        Subject Line: Leelanau Revealed

We will have a special book signing event for families and students at the Leadership Recognition Ceremony, part of Graduation Weekend, on Thursday, May 31, at 7 pm. Copies ordered before March 24th will receive a barcode for a creative audio reading of the student voices. What are you waiting for? These writers have a lot to share about Leelanau that makes us…well…us!

Book cost $20 per copy ordered before March 24th.
Book cost per copy at signing will be $28.

The team of writers/editors/design layout consisted of Kaz McCue, Tanya Firestone, Matthew Stewart, Xavier Harrell, Thomas Chilton, and Risa Trauner.

It seems like everything is about technology these days.  Most things we do throughout the day have a tech option and sometimes it doesn’t even seem like an option – using tech is just what we do.

When it comes to learning and our ability to assimilate written information, digital text may seem like the obvious winner. It’s portable, accessible, less expensive (assuming you have a device), and just down right handy. However, when considering that many people’s comprehension levels vary based on authentically interacting with a text, does digital really stand up to print?

The answer really depends on how interactive is the digital text? When addressing what books to order or why digital may be a better fit for a particular assignment, teachers must continually ask themselves “what is the purpose of the reading I am asking students to respond to comprehend?”

The one measure that is extremely important for writing skills is proofing and research does show that when students read aloud and respond to written text they catch proofing errors more readily and can increase their writing abilities. So, printing out a hard copy and proofing it before just hitting send, can make a big difference.

According to Leelanau School English teacher, Tanya Firestone, “Slowing the process is important in both reading and writing, since so much of reading and writing skills form around the act of deliberation. Being deliberate- concise takes time to process.”

However, we need to be realists and understand that teaching and learning are not about just one assignment, one book , or one class. Teachers are preparing students for college and for life after college.

Becca Dymond, Director of the Leelanau School Learning Commons, put it this way: “It’s not really about which is better: print or digital. We need to prepare our students to be literate readers of both print and digital texts in college. The digital text necessitates our attention paid to another important literacy skill. Like so many other student skills, many [students] have not received explicit support and practice for their digital literacy skills. Just like we can’t assume they know how to read a textbook, we can’t assume [students] know how to navigate a digital text.”

The takeaway is that students need the skills to use both digital and print texts, but they also need the self-awareness about when one might be more effective for them to use over the other. If they can gain the dexterity to utilize both types, while also recognizing when one form will better lead to their success, than education has truly been attained.

Further Reading: 

Mindshift  – A Textbook Dilemma: Digital or Paper?

The Atlantic – Is Google Making Us Stupid?

ThoughtCo. – How To Proofread Effectively




Here at The Leelanau School we couldn’t let the month of October – ADHD Awareness Month – go by without sharing some of the valuable strategies we have in place to ensure learning is a successful and joyful experience for students with ADHD.adhdawarenessmonth_color_med-300x143

Like Dr. Hallowell, Best Selling New York Times author and world-renowned ADHD expert, says in his 20 Tips For Helping Kids With ADHD Succeed At School , “Most teachers and adults could benefit from pretending that all kids in their class have ADHD – what is good for kids with ADHD is good for all kids.”

We couldn’t agree more!

Here are five of our favorite strategies to help students, especially with ADHD, to thrive at school.

1 – All students benefit from activities that boost the brain body connection, ahem, enter Morning Energize. We start each school day with this knowledge in mind. Students engage in activities that awaken their bodies and brains which is proven to allow them to increase the capacity to enhance attention during the academic day.

2 – And then there are Small Classes, I mean, how could you go wrong with the individualized attention available with an average class size of 6? Not to mention the personal relationships that are fostered in a setting where people are able to speak to each other and get to know each other.

3 – How about the energy and nutrients that students consume. Healthy food is brain food. Fresh, whole foods, prepared from scratch both nourish the mind and soul.  Super healthy and diverse meals and snacks throughout the day help to fuel all of the wonderful learning being done.

4 – And then there is sleep. Sleep you say? Why would  a school mention sleep when referring  to learning? Well, we know that students who get a good night’s sleep are better equipped to focus. That is focusing on work, listening, interactions – everything.  Our Residential Life Faculty creates an environment that encourages the right amount of sleep. In the evening students transition into low lights, with lights dimmed and screens put away.

5 – Lastly, we help our student’s with ADHD be organized. Not everyone does this in the same way, but they do it in some way. And we help them find the way that suits them best. Breaking assignments down, using planners, scheduled check- ins with teachers in the Learning Commons, and with other Academic and Residential Life Faculty assures no one falls through the cracks and things get done.

At The Leelanau School we already have the Awareness that ADHD can be tricky and sometimes down right hard, but we also know it can be a gift – A gift of intelligence, creativity, passion, and exuberance that can be channeled in a multitude of ways to allow for amazing things to be accomplished.




We have always said that the best way to get to know more about our school is by visiting us in person, but that isn’t always practical, which is why we are coming to a town near you!  JD Friley, our new Head of School, and members of our admissions team are taking our “show on the road”  this fall with Leelanau School Information Sessions in Kalamazoo, MI  on Sunday, October 23rd,  Hinsdale, IL on Wednesday, November 9th, Glencoe on Thursday, November 10th and Grosse Pointe on Sunday, November 13th.  Please click to open the attached flyer for more information on these opportunities to learn more about how The Leelanau School “inspires a passion for learning.”

Leelanau Road Show