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During this course, students will create operational technological devices that will involve some entry level writing of computer code as well as the building of some robotics. Students are led through this experience by an instructor but will be allowed to progress at their individual rates of expertise and levels of interest. Initially, students will begin their work in pairs as they learn the basic skills needed to move forward in this area of study.
Students may be charged an additional fee if their progress accelerates to addressing a personal project. Families would be consulted in advance of a purchase if this is needed.
A ½ credit in either a Math or Science can be earned.

Instructors: Mr. Cal Meyers, Math Department Chair and Mr. Jay Meyers, Math

This class will cover a wide range of skills and knowledge. The main goal of the class is to learn as much about the physical science of cold and snow along with the adaptations of plants and animals to living in the highly variable environment of Northwest Michigan. In addition, we will be learning and practicing different modes of transportation including snowshoeing and cross country skiing with a chance to observe and learn about sled dog travel.
A ½ credit in Science can be earned for this class if all requirements are successfully completed.

Instructor: Mr. Cal Meyers, Math Department Chair

This class will be filled with daily experiential activities to build a student’s skills for daily living as well as the future. Topics will include everything from changing a tire on a car to folding a fitted sheet. The majority of activities will be learning by doing. Each day will have a theme. Some themes included are: basic car maintenance, meal preparation, home repair, sewing skills, taking care of your belongings, basic budgeting, and other themes suggested by students. Each student will also be teaching a skill that they can share others. The possibilities are endless! In addition to activities on campus, students will have several local field trips where they can experience “real life situations” in which they will need to practice their new skills (ex. How much do you tip at a restaurant?, etc.) A ½ credit in wellness can be earned.

Instructors: Mrs. Speicher and Mr. Pina

This is a class designed for students who have an understanding of digital photography but wish to become more proficient in the technical aspects of digital photography process and image output. The class will be a hands-on class where students apply advanced camera techniques in class and then go out in the field to apply these concepts and techniques to optimize as well as completely manipulate images they have selected for processing. They will attain a high level of proficiency in the understanding of all of the specific camera functions. Students will be using Adobe Photoshop. Students will study and perform in low light photography, action photography, portraiture, nature/wildlife photography, journalism photography, architecture/interior photography and finally macro photography. Students will be expected to produce a portfolio with images from the five content areas mastered during this course. Students will be asked to purchase their own cameras that meet specific requirements.
A ½ credit in Art can be earned.

Instructor: Mr. Pina

Looking for a class to explore your creativity? Pick from a variety of sewing and knitting projects or create one of your own. Have fun making something for yourself, such as cozy fleece pants, a quilt to cuddle up in, or perhaps knit a scarf. Why not take a class this winter that will improve your needle skills and allow you to express your creative side? In the end, you will have something to show for it!
A ½ credit in Art can be earned.

Instructor: Mrs. Zyren