
Frequently Asked QuestionsLeelanau-School-Seniors-Manitou

Who do I contact for Academic Questions?

Who do I contact for Academic Questions?

  • Teacher: See Teacherease
  • Department Chair: See Teacherease
  • JD Friley, Assistant Headmaster: 231-334-5834 or 231-357-3628 (cell)

Who do I contact for Behavior Questions?

Who do I contact for Behavior Questions?

  • Westley Ivonkovitch, Dean of Students: 231-334-5840
  • Michael Jarvis, Counselor: 231-334-5892

Who do I contact for Learning Commons Questions?

Who do I contact for Learning Commons Questions?

  • Becca Dymond, Director of Learning Commons: 231-334-5886
  • Cris Pina, Learning Specialist: 231-334-5866

Who do I contact for Maintenance Questions?

Who do I contact for Maintenance Questions?

JD Friley, Assistant Headmaster: 231-334-5834 or 231-357-3628 (cell)

Who do I contact if I want to Donate to support The Leelanau School or if I have a Fundraising Idea?

Who do I contact if I want to Donate to support The Leelanau School or if I have a Fundraising Idea?

Julie Povolo, Director of Advancement: 231-334-5827

Who do I contact for Transcript Requests?

Who do I contact for Transcript Requests?

Jen Parker, Registrar: 231-334-5841

Who do I contact for General Residential Questions?

Who do I contact for General Residential Questions?

Westley Ivonkovitch, Dean of Students: 231-334-5840

Who do I contact in Case of an Emergency?

Who do I contact in Case of an Emergency?

  • Daytime: 231-334-5800
  • Evenings and Weekends: 231-642-6237