Health & Wellness


The Leelanau School feels that students need to develop healthy lifestyles for their lifetimes.

Our overall wellness program is designed around this premise by providing activities and guidance.

Health Services is staffed by a full time coordinator and 4 part time nurses. The nurses are on site every day from 7:30 am until 11:00 pm. We also have a nurse “on call” from 11 pm until 7:30 am. Our residence life faculty works closely with Health Services to ensure students’ health care needs are met. Nurses are available throughout the day to examine students, treat minor maladies, and are present for emergencies. Our medical staff possess active medical certifications and our faculty is certified in basic first aid as well as CPR.

We have a doctor who visits Health Services once week. We also have services available on campus for arranged chiropractic appointments and therapeutic massage. Health Services also works with our Student Services Office to arrange drivers for any needed off campus health appointments. Health Services and Residential Faculty work cooperatively in providing on-going health education instruction whether the topic is human growth & development, sex education, nutrition education, healthy living and exercise, etc.